Eliminating Study Distractions

By: Hafsa Qazi, Lainie Diskin, Manpreet Kaur, Mylea Bosma

In our day to activity we face a lot of distractions whether it is related to study or any another work, even sometime we got distraction for someone or something during doing our favorite activity which is our hobby. We get distraction while we are studying as it is not so interesting thing to if we did not understand the concept of the related topic about which we get the information. Distraction is any interruption due to which we may not able to focus on anything which we are doing or due to which we are not able to understand the concept of anything whether it is related to work or study. Major things which distract us mobile phones, hunger, noise and doing without any break. Out of these we mostly distracted by the mobile phone as we always thinking about may be I got someone call or message.

Distractions can be caused very easily. But to stay completely focused and determine to your tasks you have to eliminate the distractions, well you have top start somewhere to get somewhere

Preparing a better work place for your self is important and an important step for emanating study distractions. When you require space for a big task start by preparing a good spacious work place for you. Make your surrounding concentrated so that you can avoid distractions and don’t need to make unnecessary breaks. For example keep your cellphone away from you or put it on sleep mode or turn it off so you don’t look at it as soon  a text message or any notification pop up. Also make sure where ever you are starting to study doesn’t consist of thing’s that make you fantasice or when you look at them they make you want to pay attention to it or wonder like pictures on the walls. Keep your desk clean and spacious so that your brain can work and pay more attention. Also physical needs are as important as the rest make sure to have a snack some water or like fresh juice to keep your mind and body working and healthy. This way not only you save your time going to get snacks it also saves you from high calories snack that are not very much good for health. Managing your time also a big step towards your distractions. Setting time for your self to finish one assignment or any individual task can be beneficial so you have a time limit in which you will have to finish the task it’s basically like testing your self and your capabilities to finish one task in a good manor. And it’s not a big deal if you run out of time according to your schedule of finishing one task , It’s solely for the person’s orientation and the help for planning future stuff. These habits not on help you eliminate your distractions but they also teach you how to balance according to the situations and be better accordingly. Time is money. And handling or managing it well is one of the biggest and good skills to have.

When studying make sure to study at a place where you won’t find your mind wandering off. For example, if you like to sit on the couch and watch T.V , that shouldn’t be the place you study because your mind will focus on what you usually do in that area ( in this case watching T.V). It’s not always easy getting rid of distractions, you have to find something that works for you because maybe your friend can listen to music while studying and do amazing on their test, you may be the opposite and start mouthing to the lyrics. Make sure to take time to find where and what methods work for you.

Here is a short video that contains some helpful information and the 6 habits of highly successful students have:

What one of these habits would you try?

Social media can be many things, entertaining , informative, and relaxing, but it can also be distracting to the point when it impacts negatively on your important tasks. Studying and social media do not mix. When you are studying try shutting your smartphone off or at least put it on airplane mode, because you can’t access any apps. Turning off your internet access and logging out of all of your social media apps will help you stay more focused on studying for your test, and not focusing on what your friends are posting on Instagram and Facebook. Replying to posts, or texts, can eat into your time. Just imagine taking just two minutes to reply to a couple of dozen messages. That’s almost three quarters of an hour wasted. When you feel yourself starting to get distracted take some deep breaths and go for a walk. Ask your friends and family to please give you privacy when you are studying. If you just can’t disconnect from your phone for a couple of hours, build in a very short time on your break to log in. Set a timer and stick to it. Limiting your screen time will pay off.



Academy, M. (Director). (2016 ). The 6 Habits of Highly Successful Students [Motion Picture].

Adams. (n.d.). culture distractions. 13-Culture-Distractions. n.d.,, n.d.,.

Johnson, E. (2016 , August 22). n.d.,. Retrieved from SUCCESS: https://www.success.com/how-to-eliminate-distractions/

Wong., D. (n.d., , n.d., n.d.,). How to Overcome Distractions When It’s Time To Study. Retrieved from Personal Excellence : https://personalexcellence.co/blog/overcome-study-distractions/

Dr. DAVID RAINHAM. (n.d.). Making the Most of Studying. Record, The (Kitchener/Cambridge/Waterloo, ON). Retrieved from https://ezproxy.mohawkcollege.ca/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,cpid&custid=mohawk&db=rch&AN=Q4K264391065603&site=eds-live&scope=site